
Processed with VSCO with b5 presetHai loves!

Okay, first of all, I am really sorry for the lamest title ever! Like first really? REALLY?

Yeah because it would be my first ever post after re-attempting to have my 2nd blog now. My first blog got deleted. *eye roll* well yeah, technically I deleted it. But something random happened and because I cannot handle stress so beautifully because when I feel like I am going to lose, I give up because when I feel like people would reject me, I have to be the first one to reject them, I deleted my blog. End of the story.

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

What really happened was that–you know you have those WordPress gallery, where you had to upload your pictures first in order to have them in your blogs? Yeah, I thought it would be great to delete old pictures just randomly storing in the gallery, eating up space. But guess I didn’t know that deleting those pictures meant having those pictures disappeared from my every freaking blog posts. UGH.

And now my every blog post is without any pictures! Like how embarrassing would that be? So like a normal human being that I am, I panicked and ended up deleting it. Solving the problem.

Processed with VSCO with nc presetWell, I guess everything happens for a reason now I am starting it up all over again with no regrets at all.

I have a feeling this time, it will be more flawless. *Flips hair*

Anw, sorry for the rambles. But that’s what I do in my blogs. Here is my newest look!

Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

Hair is mine. Obviously.

The White shirt is tailored. Along with that coat, which I got from Nepal, back my home country.

Jean is from Gap, but I customised it with the patches and the cut off at the hem. (Which I will make another blog post for the DIY, don’t worry)

And shoes are from Charlotte Russe.

Check out my Instagram:

And shoot me an email:

Don’t take your day for granted! Byeeeeee ❤

10 thoughts on “First

  1. Amazing post and feel sorry for your lost photos.. I freak out as well when something go wrong with my blog too.. But not until the point that I will delete because I spend to much time to work on it Ahahaha

    Love your write gonna start to follow you
    Big kisses babe

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